Interacting with a flexible display

Impress flexible display, designed by Silke Hilsing.

German designer Silke Hilsing created an interactive “flexible” display using Arduino and sensors.  How does it work?  Simple really: Sensors are sandwiched in-between layers of foam; when you touch the foam surface this triggers the sensors to turn on and communicate with an overhead projector which displays a beam of lights onto the surface from above.  The surface can “feel” the level of intensity as you push down on it with your hand; the harder you push, more information (colors, light, text) is displayed.  The motivation behind this concept?   “…to remove the technical stiffness from touch screens, bring the technology closer to the user by making it more human.”  Interesting…

[Via DesignBoom; Gizmodo; SilkeHilsing]

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