Category Archives: Art

Creepy clock design

This clock features an LCD face that plays a 12-hour loop of an old guy telling the time by painstakingly erasing and re-recording each minute as it goes by with nothing but an eraser and a marker.  At the moment I’m kinda second guessing that there really is a man trapped behind the clock telling the time for us..

This video was taken at Design Miami during Art Basel Miami Beach 2009.

[Via Gizmodo]

Museum of Modern Art features Tim Burton artwork

You’ve seen the video that takes you inside Tim Burton’s brilliantly creative mind.  Now here’s the artwork he was talking about.  The Museum of Modern Art will be featuring a Tim Burton exhibit from now until April 26.  If you’re in the NYC area you should definitely check it out.  If you can’t make it, be sure to look in the gallery below to see what you’re missing; it includes over 40 Burton pieces!

[Via KanyeBlog]

Climb inside the crazy brilliant mind of Tim Burton

If you’re a fan of director/producer/writer/artist Tim Burton be sure to check out this video of Mr. Burton behind-the-scenes at his gallery exhibit at New York’s Museum of Modern Art.  Exhibit details are below.

“Opening [11/22] and running through till April 26 next year, Tim Burton is exhibiting a host of drawings, paintings and sketches all of which have been collated throughout his illustrious career.  The exhibition takes place at New York’s Museum of Modern Art where further Burton works will be available to purchase.  This video gives a fairly in depth behind-the-scenes insight to the way in which the exhibition came about, and what it means to Mr. Burton.  If you’re in New York over the period, get down to this one and see how many pieces you can spot that inspired or are inspired by the films of the celebrated director.”

[Via KanyeBlog]