Tag Archives: DJ Hero

DJ Hero, from the maker's of Guitar Hero

DJ Hero Picture

Video game publisher Activision let loose the official website for DJ Hero, their latest effort in bringing musical instruments into the living room for mass audiences.  On the website you will find the official E3 trailer for the game, plus new stills and videos of in-game action.  The game will ship this fall for Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii, and Playstation 2 for $119.99.  The bundle will include the game and the turnable/cross fader peripheral.  GameStop has started taking preorders.  Also of importance is the announcement of Jay-Z and Eminem’s contribution to the game.  A special edition of the game will come with “the rappers’ new greatest-hits CDs, possibly including previously unreleased tracks, plus an advanced version of the controller, a DJ stand, and metal traveling case.”  Check out IGN’s article on DJ Hero and their exclusive video interview with an Activision rep; he shows off the accessory and how it is going to work.

[Image via IGN; quote via USA Today]