Tag Archives: Drake

Single: Drake – “Over”

He’s released mixtapes, been featured on many songs, and dropped a seven-track EP called So Far Gone and Drake still hasn’t “officially” made it to the big leagues yet with a debut album under his belt.  Time are a-changin’, and Drake is ready to start his rise to (higher) fame in the music biz.  Late last night Drake posted the first single off his debut album Thank Me Later.  It’s called “Over” and it’s quite good.  It doesn’t compare to the Wayne-Kanye-Eminem featured “Forever” behemoth of a track, but it’s definitely worth a listen (below) and a spot on your playlist (download it for free).  There’s more where this came from; Thank Me Later is due out in May.

[audio: Drake – Over.mp3]

[Via OnSmash]

Travis Barker remixes “Forever” (spoiler: it’s amazing)

Travis Barker (of Blink 182 fame) has gone ahead and remixed another song (adding to his repitoire that includes Eminem’s 3AM, Lil Wayne’s Lollipop, and Solja Boy’s “Crank That”).  This time its Drake’s “Forever,” which features slick verses from Lil Wayne, Kanye West and Eminem.  Says MTV News:

“Working strictly off an a cappella track, Barker crafted his “Forever” mix from the ground up, spending a week tinkering in the studio with his production partner, Sweatshop. The main goal, he said, was to build a drum line that matched the constantly shifting mood and tempo of the song…”

Man this guy’s good.

[Via MTV]

Music video: Drake – “Forever” (Featuring Kanye West, Lil Wayne, & Eminem)

There’s a reason this song made its way to the number one spot on the iTunes chart and still resides in the top ten.  It’s good.  I will point out, though, that some of the featured artists do bring it down some.  Yeezy and Weezy’s verses are weak in comparison to Eminem’s crazy good verse that follows.  It’s worth the listen for the catchy chorus, and even more so for Em’s ingenious rhyme-fest at the end.  Download “Forever” on iTunes here.

[Via KanyeBlog]