Tag Archives: Hulu

Joss Whedon on Dr. Horrible sequel: “We have a story…”


This is great news, everyone!!  Creator, mastermind, and genius Joss Whedon has officially come out and stated that a Dr. Horrible Sing-Along Blog sequel is in the works and a story is bring penned right now!

Whedon: “We’re in there plugging. The writers are trying to put something together.  We haven’t even decided on a venue.  We have a story and we’re working that. We’re just starting with that.  Doesn’t matter if it’s big or small, [we’re just] just figuring out the story.  We’re really excited about what it is. More, I cannot say.”

Yes, he is tight-lipped on the details.  Still, the very fact that the Whedon family (papa Joss and sons Zack and Jed) are hard at work on the story is very exciting.  The revolutionary (and Emmy-nominated!) web series made a splash on the Internets with its low budget musical back in 2008.  A sequel is highly anticipated by all Dr. Horrible fans.  Cross your fingers for reprising roles from the extremely talented Neil Patrick Harris, Nathon Fillion, and Felicia Day.  Peace out, but not literally.

*In celebration of this good news, take a time out and watch all three acts of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog above.  You know you want to.

[Via MTV]

Get LOST on Hulu, like right now, dude

Calling all Losties and non-Lost fans!  The ABC hit Lost is now available to stream in high definition on Hulu.  As of right now, Hulu currently offers Season 1 and the last five episodes of Season 5 to stream (for free, duh).  It’s a drag that Seasons 2-4 (and the remainder of 5) are not available to watch yet.  Hulu has issued this statement: “We’ll post additional seasons as they are made available.”  In related news, Netflix currently offers Seasons 1-4 of Lost, and Season 5 will be added in September.  Don’t fret–Lost: The Final Season does not air until January 2010, giving you plently of time to catch-up or re-watch for clues.  Get to it!

[Via IGN]

Billy Mays, pitchman (1958-2009)

Billy Mays, infomercial king, died of an apparent heart attack over the weekend.  His products, brands, and strong and identifiable personality will live on.  When I first saw an Oxi Clean commercial many years ago, I was so annoyed by it.  As time went on though, I found a place in my heart not only for cleaning products, but also for infomercial maven Mr. Billy Mays.   Rest in peace, Billy Mays.

Check after the break (click “more…”) for a very recent Billy Mays interview with Conan O’Brien, a video of some funny outtakes, a very young Billy Mays on HSN promoting Oxi Clean, and an Oxi Clean commercial. Continue reading Billy Mays, pitchman (1958-2009)