Tag Archives: social network

Twitter intros push notifications for @mentions

This week Twitter introduced a neat new feature for mobile users: push notifications for @mentions.  Whenever you are mentioned in the Twittersphere you can make it so that you receive a text message or push notification from the Twitter app so that you’re instantly notified about it.  The push notification part only works with the latest version of Twitter for iPhone, for now.  Twitter is also bringing push notifications for Messages to Twitter for iPhone, a feature that Blackberry users have already been privy to.  To enable these new notifications, tweak your settings at twitter.com/devices.  Twitter says they’re working on bringing these new slate of features to Android and Windows Phone 7 users soon.

[Via TwitterBlog]

Facebook announces “the next generation of Messages”

You’ve certainly used the direct messaging service from Facebook before, and coming soon is a relaunch that will make it smarter and more intuitive.  Get ready to experience “the next generation of Messages.”

When it releases, the new version version of Messages will bring together Messages, Facebook Chat, IM clients, SMS, and email.  You will be able to send and receive messages over the computer or a mobile phone.  A conversation thread within Messages can be carried on in real time across these various devices and chat services.  It’s as easy as selecting a friend’s name, typing a message, and hitting (or tapping) enter to send.  Speaking of email, Facebook is giving every user the option to create an unique @facebook.com email address.  Boom; your FB friends collection just became your new address book.  “To be clear, Messages is not email,” states Facebook.  In fact, the many staples of email (such as subject lines, cc, bcc) will not be present.  The developer team “modeled [the new Messages] more closely to chat and reduced the number of things you need to do to send a message.”  Note that creating an @facebook.com email address is not required to use the new Messages portal; it is there as an alternative option to send and receive messages (it adds to Chat, IM, and SMS service support).  Next up is the Social Inbox.  Facebook says, “It seems wrong that an email message from your best friend gets sandwiched between a bill and a bank statement.”  True, I guess.  Think of Social Inbox as a beefier, smarter version of Gmail’s Priority Inbox.  Your Messages inbox will scan your friends list and prioritize your messages based on that information.  Messages from friends and their friends will show up front and center, while all other messages (such as those from strangers or junk mail) will end up in folder labeled Other.  And conversations can be easily moved from Other to Inbox (if, for example, a stranger turns out to be a friend or relative you hadn’t friended yet).  Facebook promises you’ll have much control over who can and cannot send you messages via email in account settings.

Here’s an interesting look at the future from Facebook’s perspective: “Relatively soon, we’ll probably all stop using arbitrary ten digit numbers and bizarre sequences of characters to contact each other.  We will just select friends by name and be able to share with them instantly.  We aren’t there yet, but the changes today are a small first step.”

And that’s about it.  The new Messages and email address offers will begin to roll out to users “over the next few months”, so hang tight!

[Via FacebookBlog]

Ping welcomes Twitter into its social network for music

Social network explosion!  Apple has partnered with Twitter to bring Twitter integration to Ping, the “social network for music” built into iTunes 10.  After linking your Twitter account to your Ping account inside iTunes, all of your Ping activity (whenever you Post, Like, Review, or tell your friends why you purchased a song or album) will show up in a tweet be seen by all your followers.  And if you opted to preview the new Twitter redesign, Ping’d tweets will come complete with playable song previews and links to purchase and download music from iTunes.  If you see a tweet that’s got Ping data in it (either a tweet sent within Ping or a tweet with an iTunes link attached), you can now click a new music button and this will superimpose the tweeted song or album on the right side details pane, allowing you to see album art, preview, and listen to songs.  So watcha waiting for?  Connect up and let the good times roll.

[Via TwitterBlog]

Twitter homepage redesign on the way

Earlier this week Twitter announced that a homepage redesign is coming to a browser near you.  The new design is built around a two column style, a look that is reminiscent of many Twitter apps for mobile devices.  On the left side resides your timeline of tweets.  The timeline features infinite scrolling, meaning you won’t have to click a “more” button to view older tweets.  @mentions, retweets, searches, and lists are housed directly above the timeline “creating a single, streamlined view on the left of the screen.”  And above all that sits the “what’s happening now” status bar.  On the right side you can view personal account information such as tweet count, your most recent tweet, your list of followers and who you are following, favorite tweets, the lists you are on, suggestions for who to follow, and the trending topics.  Along the very top of the site is the search bar and links for home, profile, messages, compose a new tweet, and account settings.

Other than showing your personal information, the right column is also used to present contextual info and embedded media from tweets.  When you click a tweet from your timeline, additional information related to the author and subject of the tweet shows up in the right column.  Twitter has teamed up with a bunch of social media sites (including DailyBooth, DeviantART, Etsy, Flickr, Justin.TV, Kickstarter, Kiva, Photozou, Plixi, Twitgoo, TwitPic, TwitVid, USTREAM, Vimeo, yfrog, and YouTube) so that when you click a person’s tweet in your timeline, an attached image or video will instantly appear in-line in the right column; no more clicking links and being forced to view media content in a separate portal.  And if a tweet is geotagged with a location, a miniturized map will show up in the column too.

Now don’t go too crazy.  The 140 character limit and all integral aspects of Twitter are staying the same.  This is purely a relaunch of the site design to make things more streamlined and accessable.  The new Twitter is currently being rolled out as a preview to limited number of users.  The redesign will be pushed out to all users “eventually.”  It shant be too long I presume.  Look after the break to watch an introductory video.

[Via TwitterBlog; NewTwitter] Continue reading Twitter homepage redesign on the way

Twitter rolls out “Suggestions for You”

So you have a Twitter account and you follow your friends and a handful of celebrities.  What if I told you there was a way to follow even more people (and potentially gain more followers) who share similar interests as you?  A new feature called “Suggestions for You” now located in the Find People section does just that!  The Twitter relevance team has discovered a way to harness an algorithm that can “suggest people you don’t currently follow that you may find interesting.”  Factors including people you follow and the people they follow are taken into considertation when you use the new tool.  Login to your Twitter account and see what’s suggested to you.  If you happen to find someone you’re interested in following, click “Follow”; if the results include people you’re not interested in following, click hide and the tool will remember not to suggest those persons again.

[Via TwitterBlog]

All public Tweets will be archived at the Library of Congress & on Google

Fellow Twitterers, your Tweets are about to become part of United States history.  On Wednesday Twitter announced it will be donating access to the entire archive of public Tweets to the Library of Congress “for preservation and research.”  Every 140-character public Tweet made since 2006 will find a home next to the Declaration of Independence.  According to Twitter founder Biz Stone, “only after a six-month delay can the Tweets will be used for internal library use, for non-commercial research, public display by the library itself, and preservation.”  Can you believe it?  A digital archive of Tweets.  Future tweens will get a glimpse into our world dominated by pop sensation Justin Bieber and they’ll think he was king.  All joking aside, Twitter has functioned as a virtual space where breaking news of births, deaths, tragedies, and triumphs have spread across the globe, and future generations will be able to see how we utilized social networking to quickly disseminate information and share experiences with one another.  Pretty profound if you ask me.

In related news, Stone announced a partnership with Google, introducing a new service called Google Replay.  Replay “lets you relive a real time search from specific moments in time” with Tweets.  In addition to viewing Tweets in an archived digital database at the Library of Congress, Replay is another “new way to revisit tweets related to historic events.”  Right now the service only goes back a few months, but Stone promises it will eventually be able to access Tweets since Twitter’s inception in 2006.  Google is rolling out the feature right now, and it will be made available globally within the next few weeks.  For now, Google Replay can be accessed here.  Try it out!  Search a specific keyword and experience how events relating to it unraveled in time with Tweets.

[Via TwitterBlog; GoogleBlog]

Google responds to user feedback, makes Buzz a bit more private


As soon as the announcement and release of Google Buzz hit the masses, users quickly recognized a “security flaw” in the service.  Google shares the final diagnosis like this: “In particular there’s been concern from some people who thought their contacts were being made public without their knowledge (in particular the lists of people they follow, and the people following them). In addition, others felt they had too little control over who could follow them and were upset that they lacked the ability to block people who didn’t yet have public profiles from following them.”  So what have they done to combat contact privacy issues?

1. More visible option to not show followers/people you follow on your public profile

2. Ability to block anyone who starts following you

3. More clarity on which of your followers/people you follow can appear on your public profile

In addition to these changes, Google has also revamped the “start-up experience,” the initial ‘Welcome to Google Buzz’ screen.  An auto-suggest model replaces the auto-follow model, allowing the user to pick and choose who they want to follow instead of Buzz automatically adding their contacts and chat buddies to their follow list.  Also, “If you don’t want to share the lists of people who are following you and people you are following publicly on your profile, you can opt out at any time from the [new and improved] edit profile page.”  Some other changes include: “Buzz will no longer connect your public Picasa Web Albums and Google Reader shared items automatically” and now there’s a Buzz tab in GMail Settings where “you’ll be able to hide Buzz from Gmail or disable it completely.”  All these changes in its first week, it’s quite impressive; Google is definitely taking to heart loud user feedback.  And all of this seems to be resulting in a better Buzz experience so far.

[Via GoogleBlog, here & here]

Google Buzz is Twitter on steroids

Google’s latest foray into the social networking business has everyone atwitter; so what’s all the buzz about?  Google Buzz is a new way to share updates with friends.  It goes beyond the standard “status update” from Facebook and breaks free from a 140-character tweet from Twitter, allowing you to quickly and easily share content across the Internet.  Buzz is built into Gmail.  If you have a Gmail account you are already set up for the service; your current list of contacts and people you chat with the most automatically become your followers.  That last word strikes a familiar chord, doesn’t it?  Buzz is very similar to Twitter; you follow people, people follow you, you post updates, and so on.  What makes it different (and so much more expansive) is that there’s no character limit and the means of interaction with others is much more fluid.  It fosters greater interaction with the ability to share links, photos, and video.  YouTube videos can be embedded right into posts, along with pictures that can be viewed in full size and resolution.  Besides sharing your own information, you will be alerted about new posts from followers and their group of followers; Buzz recommends posts from people you’re not directly following to promote a growing community of new friends and acquaintances.  @-responses are supported, allowing you to specifically address a friend’s post.  You also have the option to connect Buzz to other accounts like Picasa, Flickr, Google Reader, and Twitter and spread your posts, pictures, and breaking news that way.  And don’t worry–you have the option to keep things private among friends or public with the Buzz community.

Google Buzz should be fully integrated into everyone’s Gmail account by now.  You’ll notice a new small tab located under the Inbox tab labeled Buzz.  Now what if you’re away from the computer and still want to buzz about stuff?  Google’s created Buzz for mobile and it’s got some intruiging features.  What’s unique about posting on your phone is that Buzz uses location-based services to pinpoint exactly where you are when you post something, allowing your followers to find you on a map.  Tagged locations do away with long/lat numbers and display the actual names of places instead.  There are four ways to access Google Buzz on your cell phone.  (1) On an iPhone or Android phone go to buzz.google.com to access a Buzz web app; it has two views: “‘Following’ view shows buzz from the people you follow, just like Google Buzz in your Gmail; ‘Nearby’ view shows public buzz that has been tagged with a location near you, and might be from people you don’t follow. From Nearby view, you can also select a specific place from the list of nearby places and view posts attached to that place.”  (2) Buzz on Google Maps for mobile, available only on Android phones, adds a new Buzz layer to the Maps application and “allows you to see buzz near you or anywhere on the map. You can post public buzz directly from the layer, and even attach a photo from your phone.”  (3) Buzz Shortcut from Google.com allows any cell phone with a browser to access Buzz. (4) The Google Voice application, available on Android phones in the quick search widget and on iPhones in the Google Mobile App, “allows you to post buzz without typing anything. Just say ‘post buzz,’ followed by whatever you’d like to post.”

Is Google Buzz going to be a success?  Will it catch on with the masses a la Facebook and Twitter?  Buzz surely has the potential to replace Twitter as a social networking tool.  At its core, Buzz is all about “start[ing] conversations about the things you find interesting” and it does it pretty well already.  I agree with Mashable when they say “if Google Wave is the future, Google Buzz is the present.”  The Google Wave beta made heads tilt in confusion, and Google thinks Buzz is an appropriate stepping stone to it.  Buzz goes beyond email and IM but it does not overstep its boundaries (aka the craziness that is Wave).  Thing is, Buzz does not feel like a transition service because it comes off as Twitter on steroids–something we’re used to, just beefier.  Buzz is already making noise; today Facebook and AOL have joined forces to allow IM users to chat with Facebook friends over the AIM client.  And Twitter should be scared, too; their 140-character limit and lack of expanding services may start to wear thin with Buzz lurking around the corner.  A potential issue for some may arise in the fact that Buzz requires Gmail sign up but to these naysayers I say so what?  Gmail is the best Internet email client out there anyway; now’s a better time than ever to jump on the bandwagon and join the Gmail community.  Because that’s what it’s becoming thanks to Buzz–one giant place to share the things you find interesting with others.

Google Buzz in Gmail, for mobile, and the launch event can be found in video form after the break, you know, if you’re into that stuff.

[Via GoogleBlog, here & here]

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