Interactive horror movie gives audience control over protagonist’s decisions, final outcome

Last Call is the first interactive horror movie in the world where the audience is able to communicate with the protagonist. A film controlled by a member of the audience, thus blurring the boundaries between game and film. Language recognition software transforms the participant’s answers via mobile phone into specific instructions. A specially developed software then processes these commands and launches an appropriate follow-up scene. The dialogue between the movie’s main actress and an audience member leads to a different film – and outcome – every time: sometimes with a happy end, sometimes with a more gruesome one.

Pretty neat, huh?  Here’s how it’s all set up: Beofre the movie starts, audience members submit their cell phone number to a speed dail database.  During the movie, the film’s software randomly selects one number from the database and calls it to begin the movie-audience member interaction.  It’s up the to audience member how the on-screen actions will play out.  Sounds (and looks) creepy, exciting, and fun.  Hopefully something like this will hit the States sometime soon.  With 3D and IMAX gaining popularity, now is the time Americans are open to new movie-watching experiences.

[Via Gizmodo; YouTube]

2 thoughts on “Interactive horror movie gives audience control over protagonist’s decisions, final outcome

  1. That is really cool! This may even get me to go to a horror film! Hopefully, the USA will catch on! 🙂

  2. That sounds cool. Wonder if this technology continues making such films and we are part of the audience soon. Would love participating.

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