Spider-Man reboot is getting the RED EPIC 3D treatment

Spider-Man reboot cinematographer Jason Schwartzman beat Peter Jackson to the punch!  Just about one week after Jackson announced his crew would be using 30 RED EPIC cameras to shoot The Hobbit in 3D, Schwartzman started production on Spider-Man using 3 EPIC cameras mounted on 2 3ality rigs.  This makes the Spidey reboot the very first major studio motion picture to be shot using the highly lauded RED EPIC configuration.  Schwartzman shared his initial thoughts after the first day of shooting.  “I can say for certainty the camera does exist and boy is it ready for primetime, as a matter of fact it’s a true game changer.  We shot in 3D…including running high speed and the images look stunning!”  Watching a movie in 3D is hotly debatable topic, but there’s no arguing against the 5K super hi-def resolution that EPIC camera make possible.  The Hobbit and Spider-Man are going to look good.

In related Spidey news, actress Emma Stone returned to her blonde roots for her Gwen Stacey role.  Let’s just say it’s a natural fit.

[Via Engadget; RedUserForums]

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