Tag Archives: Arrested Development season four

Comedian David Cross on the resurrected fourth season of ‘Arrested Development’

If you consider Tobias Fünke a reliable source, then listen up! In an interview with Rolling Stone, actor and comedian David Cross talked about the upcoming fourth season of cult sitcom Arrested Development.

“I’m not gonna divulge anything, but I know what the stories are and what Mitch [Hurwitz] is doing, and it’s so layered. It’s really audacious and amazing. I think a lot of people will miss the work that is involved, the story, the Venn diagrams that are being created, the domino effect that characters have with each other in their various episodes. I know what he’s doing, and this has never been done on a TV show like this. This makes Lost look like a Spalding Grey monologue. You’ll have to watch each episode more than once.”

And then there is this bombshell. Cross says the initial plan to air 10 episodes might not stick; the season may be expanded. “I think it’s going to be 13 episodes, not 10,” he said. There’s too much story. Some characters will have two-parters. Everybody sort of participates, sometimes in a bigger way and sometimes in a tiny little thread that goes through everybody else’s stories.”

Read the brief interview in full at the source link below, and shake in anticipation in your cutoffs as new episodes of Arrested Development are expected to premiere on Netflix in Spring 2013.

[Via Rolling Stone; EW]