Tag Archives: Letterman

Joaquin Phoenix returns back to Letterman later this month

Way back on February 11, 2009 actor-turned-rapper Joaquin Phoenix made his memorable visit to the Late Show with David Letterman.  Next Wednesday (Sept. 22) Phoenix is set to return to the late night show and will not be reprising his role as a crazy rude bearded freak show.  Instead he will be there promoting his new (mock?)-umentary film I’m Still HereRelive the craziness here and anticipate an explanation for all this next week.

In related news, director Casey Affleck told The New York Times that Phoenix’s two-year stint as a retired actor-turned-rapper riddled with drug abuse was “a terrific performance.”  In other words, it was all an act.  “I never intended to trick anybody,” said Affleck.  Well there’s goes all the hype leading up to the movie.  Now that we know almost everything was fake, are you still interested in seeing the movie?

[Via IGN; NYT]