Tag Archives: preview night

Comic Con: Day Zero (preview night)

Preview night was very, well, preview-y.  The San Diego Convention Center was quite packed for a “pre” -show; I can only imagine how crazy it’s going to be tomorrow through Sunday.  The only major event that happened tonight was WB’s screening of its three new shows coming to television this season.  I was planning on seeing the pre-screening of ABC’s “V” starring Lost’s Elizabeth Mitchell, but due to heavy traffic I arrived too late and missed it.  The other two screenings were “Human Target” and “The Vampire Diaries.”  I arrived at the convention center around 8PM and walked around the main exhibit halls until closing (at about 10PM).  I went by “The Guild” booth and saw all of the cast members, most notably, Felicia Day!  I also stopped by some of the gaming booths including Microsoft (nothing too exciting here tonight; Halo: ODST will be there tomorrrow!); Sony (they had the new PSP go! hardware in an enclosed glass case and some playable games); EA (they had “Brutal Legend” and others); Ubisoft (I watched a preview of Bioshock 2, looks great!).  Because I did not have much time to play, I did more looking than interacting.  That is what tomorrow is for; I plan on walking the exhibit halls from top to bottom, stopping at the most interesting booths, interacting with attendees, playing some games, and attending a few movie and TV panels.  I am PUMPED for Comic Con: Day One!