Tag Archives: smoking

Concept: Open Smoking Booth


I will allow the source to speak for itself:

“Design to encourage a bad habit? Go figure! FRESH is an open smoking booth designed for airport terminals. This “bubble” of self contained smoke air is filtered and fresh air is released. It’s modern and sleek with a circular arm stand on the base embedded into the floor. A cylindrical glass ash bin with a metal top stands in the middle.  When this system starts, the smoke is filtered by the arm top  where low-pressure air is generated. The “air wall” (a transition between low air pressure and high air pressure) keeps the smoke within it. Then the purified fresh air is sent out to the center of the booth from the lower part of the arm. The smoking space is therefore created by this invisible spherical “air wall” through which the travelers can walk conveniently in and out of.”

Although this is only a concept idea, I can see something like this creation by D.K. Wei become a reality in the near future.  With all of the new smoking laws being heavily enforced (yes!), there needs to be a way for those who continue to smoke to do so in a manner that does not affect the people around them.  Check out more images of the design after the break (click “…more”).

[Via Yanko Design] Continue reading Concept: Open Smoking Booth