Tag Archives: teaser poster

‘Breaking Bad’ teaser poster & video hype the series’ final run

Starting Sunday, August 11 at 9PM on AMC Walter White’s journey to the dark side will continue with its final eight episodes in the back half of season five. Here we have teaser poster sporting the classic Breaking Bad green-hue with the tagline “All bad things must come to an end.” After the break watch two back-to-back spots featuring new, fleeting clips pulled from the new batch of episodes; a drugged? Jesse and definitely vengeful Hank star. Continue reading ‘Breaking Bad’ teaser poster & video hype the series’ final run

Cap’s shield stars in ‘Captain America 2’ teaser poster

Here’s our first teaser poster for the upcoming Captain America sequel subtitled The Winter Soldier. At the end of the first one, Cap aka Steve Rodgers is transplanted into present day America and his vibranium shield must be acting flakey ever since the big battle of New York as seen in The Avengers.

Cap’s adventures continue April 4, 2014.