Tag Archives: Tron soundtrack

Trailer #2: Tron: Legacy (+ Daft Punk tracks!)

We’re one teaser and two trailers deep into the expansive world of Tron (catch the others here & here).  This latest one is fresh from its 2010 Comic Con debut.  I really don’t know how they do it, but somehow these Tron sneak peeks get better with every trailer.  I don’t give a damn if you have never heard of Tron or don’t take any interest in the movie/1978 arcade game; you will watch this trailer and like it.  And if you are a Tron fan and are highly anticipating its December 17 release in IMAX 3D like a respectable human being, well then…you’re in for a treat!  Load in HD, turn up your speakers, and let it rip.

Note: You should know that actor Jeff Bridges starred in the original 1982 Tron flick as Kevin Flynn, and that he reprises his role as Papa Flynn in Legacy.  At timestamp 1:08 we are introduced to Clu, a villianous rogue program in the Tron universe, who might look eerily similar to a young Jeff Bridges to you.  Well that’s because it is a young Bridges!  Thanks to advanced CGI technology, a performance-capture suit, and impeccable editing skills, the Tron special FX crew was able to create a Kevin Flynn as he appeared in Tron almost thirty years ago.  Crazy (and a bit creepy), right?!  Moving on…

It was leaked quite some time ago that Daft Punk would compose the score for Tron: Legacy.  And over the course of the last year we were teased with the theme music in the trailers that have been released.  Today that tease disappears!  Online radio station “The End” got their hands on exclusive streams of six tracks from the movie soundtrack, including the epic theme from the trailers.  They’re dark and appropriately cinematic in scope.  Click here to take a listen.  (Bonus note: The electric Daft Punk duo will have cameo roles in the movie–gasp!–sans characteristic helmets!

[Via MTVuk]